Setting up a Virtual Server to Host This Site

Today I set up a Self Hosted Word Press Server using Digital Ocean. First I set up an account on Digital Ocean. After I created an account, I set up a Droplet(virtual server) on Digital Ocean and got a domain name to attach to my given IP Address. A droplet is a virtual server that you can use to host your website. After I set that up I was then given the option to set up my SSH keys or use a password. After a little research I concluded that SSH keys are much more secure to use.

Originally, the SSH root command was not working on my MacBook. It kept telling me I needed to install Homebrew. After a quick search online I found exactly what I needed to do to install Homebrew correctly. Next I connected my domain name to the server. I connected to the server via SSH. I typed in ‘SSH root@<dropletIP> in terminal. From here, a script should start running automatically. I initially had an issue where the script was not running after logging in.
But after doing some research I found a Stack Overflow post with somebody who had the same issue. I was copying the incorrect SSH key that I set up earlier (id_rsa) instead of my public key (id_rsa_pub.)
After getting in correctly I was able to complete all the steps that the script was set up to execute, such as connecting my new domain name to the server, setting up a WordPress account, etc. With all this now done I was able to make this portfolio site.

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